IAF-Certified Facilitator | Master
mind@work loodst, begeleidt, samenspraak in- Vergaderingen en workshops
- Kennisoverdracht, inspraak en medezeggenschap
- Dialoog, gesprek en conversaties
De mind@work methodologie werkt met de potentie van uw groep, organisatie of gemeenschap.
mind@work adviseert over opzet en inrichting van (vergader)ruimtes.
Coach en begeleider van professionele facilitators en professionals die faciliteren.
Winner Silver IAF Facilitation Impact Award 2016
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Category Archives: brain
How does (y)our mind works? – Mentoring 4
I used a naming technique to find a name for our company and came up with “mind@work”. Only years later, I realized, that that’s exactly the point of facilitating groups. Currently, much of our behaviour is being attributed to the … Continue reading →
Posted in brain, brein faciliteren, Metaphor, mind, mind@work methode, Uncategorized
Tagged brain, facilitation, metaphor, mind, mind@work
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Facilitating with the brain in mind
This is a first post of facilitating with the brain in mind. I’m writing this series while developing work shops, master classes and training course about applying knowledge about “the mind at work”. On another page, I’ll give a list … Continue reading →
Posted in brain, brein faciliteren, Metaphor, mind
Tagged brain, facilitation, mind, mind@work, thinking
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