Author Archives: Lelie Jan

About Lelie Jan

Met diversiteit kom je verder, wanneer je elkaar beter begrijpt.  Jan Lelie kan helpen. Ik faciliteer besluitvorming met behulp van mijn mind@work methode. Sommigen noemen het agile, anderen lean of serious play. Het zit er allemaal in. Daarnaast geef ik workshops en master classes aan professionals die zelf beter willen faciliteren.

This is another idea

I made a contribution on my substack that might interest you. Implications for facilitation Go slow – research or investigate the dominant metaphor, the assumptions. Look for the condition to intervene on. Never defend your position. Ask questions – … Continue reading

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If you can follow me?

Doubting is normal, thinking is absurd. We try to end doubt, volatility, ambiguity, complexity or uncertainty through thinking. Have some clearity. Unfortunately, it’s the thinking that is introducing these very concepts. You’re not absurd. Thinking is inherently paradoxical. The seemingly … Continue reading

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Narrational thinking

commenting on Actually, the cyclical nature of nature is …. life –> death –> life –> death —> … You cannot have the one without the other AND they seem to deny each other. It’s the paradox of life: … Continue reading

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Ontlerend*) organiseren

*) Het voorvoegsel “ont” kennen we van ontstaan, ontwikkelen, ontbijten,…. en hodt zoveel in als “beginnen te”. De klank “ohm” of “oer” heeft vaak te maken met oor(!)sprong. Helaas – en dat heb ik zelfs indertijd – eind jaren ’90 … Continue reading

Posted in communication, Dialoog, Faciliteren, Group decision making, Metafoor, Metaphor | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment


For the full text, see: It’s not a question about truth, but about believes. Believe it or not, we use a kind of Baysian Logic in establishing what works in behaviour. Your body learned to make “educated guesses” on … Continue reading

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Gemene schappelijke problemen

In mijn boek over faciliteren maak ik ook duidelijk – of niet -, dat we probleemoplossen tot probleem gemaakt hebben. Alle oplosbare problemen hebben we opgelost. (Het eigenlijk is erger, problemen oplossen is inherent paradoxaal). Door ons succes, creëren – … Continue reading

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Realizing reality

One invents reality. Inventing, in terms of McWhinney’s model, combines inducing with realizing (red –inducing –> yellow –realizing –> red). We use an idea or concept like reality to explain “what works”. The question “does reality really exists?” while referring … Continue reading

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Simply facilitating complexity

I was just this morning writing to a friend that natural structures structure themselves. Then I ran into a piece about design not using complexity theory. I think these issues are related. Facilitating complexity comes naturally to me, because I … Continue reading

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The various laws of requirement

You may know, I’m a big fan of the so called “Ashby’s law“, not as a true law, an algorithm, but as “rule of thumb”, an heuristic. This law should be used to understand variety creation – as do biological … Continue reading

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Heinz von Foersters ethical wrote a his imperative ““Heinz, act always as to increase the number of choices”. As we usually try to reduce uncertainty, ambiguity and doubt, this seems contraproductive. In facilitating, one increases choices, as a choice made … Continue reading

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