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Category Archives: Group decision making
Simply facilitating complexity
I was just this morning writing to a friend that natural structures structure themselves. Then I ran into a piece about design not using complexity theory. I think these issues are related. Facilitating complexity comes naturally to me, because I … Continue reading
Zeven aanbevelingen voor zeer effectieve besluiten
De paradox van groepsbesluitvorming houdt in, dat je minder risico loopt met een willekeurig besluit, dan met een verkeerd besluit waarbij we minder risico lopen. Op hun bescheiden website frithmind.org geven Uta en Chris Frith inzicht in de sociale kant … Continue reading
Posted in autopoiesis, Bayesian, Decision theory, Group decision making, mind, Toeval
Tagged besluitvorming, bias, communiceren, faciliteren, gedrag, vooroordeel
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How to improve group decision making – Be biased towards bias
Bias is an universal given in decision making. Most drivers think they’re better then average drivers and most decision makers drive cars too. Just like crowded road brings the average speed down and irons out the extremes, so a group … Continue reading
Posted in Bias, Faciliteren, Group decision making, Uncategorized
Tagged bias, diversity, facilitator, Watzlawick
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