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Category Archives: complex
Simply facilitating complexity
I was just this morning writing to a friend that natural structures structure themselves. Then I ran into a piece about design not using complexity theory. I think these issues are related. Facilitating complexity comes naturally to me, because I … Continue reading
Alles werkt vanzelf
Over mind@work methode Inleiding Jarenlang heb ik me het hoofd gebroken over hoe, laat ik zeggen, ‘betekenis’ tot stand komt. Maar je kan het ook de werking van het universum noemen. Wat maakt, dat we zowel rationeel denken als irrationeel … Continue reading
Posted in Ashby's Law, autopoiesis, complex, mind@work methode, model
Tagged Ashby, F Filteren, facilitator, faciliteren, M Modelleren, mind@work, Q Kwartiermaker
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Communication as the problem to the answer
In answer to Groups as complex systems, excerpt from the ‘Social Dimension’ of Gaia Education’s online course in ‘Design for Sustainability’ https://medium.com/@designforsustainability/groups-as-complex-systems-db395f94d370 Biological, living systems and their derivatives (groups) create themselves through self-reference and perform autopoesis. We call autopoesis “complex … Continue reading
Posted in autopoiesis, Betekenis, communication, complex, self-reference
Tagged Ashby, belonging, communiceren, facilteren, Maturana, Varela, Watzlawick, zelfreferentie
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Complex adapts to complexity
This is part of discussion in Linked-In group Systems Thinking about the definition of complexity Complex as a response to complexity Over a year ago, I was in a session with a very good friend of my, who introduced us … Continue reading
Posted in ACDP, Actie, Betekenis, complex, English, Jung
Tagged complex, complexity, language, Meaning, menen, systems thinking
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