Tag Archives: Meaning

This is another idea

I made a contribution on my substack that might interest you. https://mindatwork.substack.com/p/this-is-not-an-idea Implications for facilitation Go slow – research or investigate the dominant metaphor, the assumptions. Look for the condition to intervene on. Never defend your position. Ask questions – … Continue reading

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If you can follow me?

Doubting is normal, thinking is absurd. We try to end doubt, volatility, ambiguity, complexity or uncertainty through thinking. Have some clearity. Unfortunately, it’s the thinking that is introducing these very concepts. You’re not absurd. Thinking is inherently paradoxical. The seemingly … Continue reading

Posted in communication, Faciliteren, Meaming, paradox | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Real information confuses

I got a message from one of my dear friends, who didn’t grasp the previous post completely. Understandable. Here I share my reply to her (stop reading when you feel confused), which I extend some what here. You’re not the … Continue reading

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Dignity and respect

Paul Vittles remarked in a discussion that a Human Resource Department should treat everybody with dignity and respect. Off course, one cannot not-agree with this. At the same time, his post points at the central paradox of facilitation: “being open … Continue reading

Posted in communication, English, Expression, Metaphor | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Alternative facts are fiction

We’ve got facts, hard facts and fictional facts. The implication of the fact, that the word fact and fiction are derived from the same source, facere, to make, implies that every word is a metaphor, including all lies. Including in … Continue reading

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Complex adapts to complexity

This is part of discussion in Linked-In group Systems Thinking about the definition of complexity Complex as a response to complexity Over a year ago, I was in a session with a very good friend of my, who introduced us … Continue reading

Posted in ACDP, Actie, Betekenis, complex, English, Jung | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

“I was asking myself whether people outside Israel could grasp what it means to be a citizen of a country under global inspection?”

Here is a first, short answer. This question has several answers. Both yes and no apply, but not at the same time. Basically it is an invitation to intervene in interpunction. The question restates the Paradoxes of Belonging. There are … Continue reading

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