IAF-Certified Facilitator | Master
mind@work loodst, begeleidt, samenspraak in- Vergaderingen en workshops
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De mind@work methodologie werkt met de potentie van uw groep, organisatie of gemeenschap.
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Tag Archives: belonging
Heinz von Foersters ethical wrote a his imperative ““Heinz, act always as to increase the number of choices”. As we usually try to reduce uncertainty, ambiguity and doubt, this seems contraproductive. In facilitating, one increases choices, as a choice made … Continue reading
Communication as the problem to the answer
In answer to Groups as complex systems, excerpt from the ‘Social Dimension’ of Gaia Education’s online course in ‘Design for Sustainability’ https://medium.com/@designforsustainability/groups-as-complex-systems-db395f94d370 Biological, living systems and their derivatives (groups) create themselves through self-reference and perform autopoesis. We call autopoesis “complex … Continue reading
Posted in autopoiesis, Betekenis, communication, complex, self-reference
Tagged Ashby, belonging, communiceren, facilteren, Maturana, Varela, Watzlawick, zelfreferentie
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Money expresses the paradoxes of expression
Gene Bellinger – our systems thinking guru – has been inventing a model of economy, in order to understand economy. I added a comment on the discussion there, because i Read: “Gene, If you want to understand economics I suggest … Continue reading
Posted in Betekenis, English, Expression, money; worth
Tagged belonging, dox, economy. money, paradox of expression, worth, zelfreferentie
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Leadership and facilitation
Jeppe Lajer asked me: “What do you think a leader or facilitator can do to raise his/her capacity to love working with groups while being conscious of his/her inadequacies?“. The answer is: “I don’t know”. But of course, i do … Continue reading
Posted in Engaging, Engels, paradox
Tagged belonging, leadership, Paradox van behoren, zelfreferentie
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What and how on Identity
My dear friend Judith de Bruijn inspired me to start blogging again. I’ll share with you some pieces of my mind on facilitating change with groups and meetings. I’ll just start with the 12 paradoxes of group life. My identity … Continue reading
Posted in Engels, Faciliteren, identiteit, Identity
Tagged belonging, EU-crisis, Evoke, femaleness, gender, Green - Yellow, identity crisis, line-up, maleness, paradoxes of belonging, Social - Mythic, tool, us and them, wij en zij
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Van de week sprak ik met een paar mensen over de Dag van de Dialoog, een landelijk initiatief om buurtbewoners met elkaar in gesprek te laten komen. Het ging er eerder over hoe het komt dat we moeite hebben om … Continue reading
“I was asking myself whether people outside Israel could grasp what it means to be a citizen of a country under global inspection?”
Here is a first, short answer. This question has several answers. Both yes and no apply, but not at the same time. Basically it is an invitation to intervene in interpunction. The question restates the Paradoxes of Belonging. There are … Continue reading