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Tag Archives: paradox of expression
Beginners mind – stay confused
“Beginners mind”, in facilitating systemic – self-sustaining – changes you will need more than an open mind, you need “Beginners mind”. The ability to stay confused enables Eigenorganisation to emerge. We’ll talk about in this event: https://tinyurl.com/d49vrbj Ed van Winden … Continue reading
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Tagged Engaging, facilitation, management of change, paradox, paradox of expression, systems thinking
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Provocation for Inquiry: what can you do to facilitate hierarchical systems?
I’ve been asked (as a Provocation for Inquiry): with my desire to explore paradoxes and inquiry, would appreciate your assistance in framing the following as a paradox: Hierarchical systems are built from lower levels but do not serve them I … Continue reading
Move on! No information to be found here.
I noticed an article Systems Community of Inquiry http://stream.syscoi.com/2020/11/29/destruction-of-information-the-performance-paradox/ . I cannot resist to inform you that information doesn’t actually exist. You’re creating (and destroying) information at this very moment. (Ashby – an engineer and psychologist – formulated his Law … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged Ashby, creativity, destruction, informatie, paradox, paradox of expression, Variety
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Money expresses the paradoxes of expression
Gene Bellinger – our systems thinking guru – has been inventing a model of economy, in order to understand economy. I added a comment on the discussion there, because i Read: “Gene, If you want to understand economics I suggest … Continue reading
Posted in Betekenis, English, Expression, money; worth
Tagged belonging, dox, economy. money, paradox of expression, worth, zelfreferentie
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