Category Archives: paradox

If you can follow me?

Doubting is normal, thinking is absurd. We try to end doubt, volatility, ambiguity, complexity or uncertainty through thinking. Have some clearity. Unfortunately, it’s the thinking that is introducing these very concepts. You’re not absurd. Thinking is inherently paradoxical. The seemingly … Continue reading

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Dealing with Questions by Participants – Mentoring facilitators 1

I’ve been asked to mentor a facilitator who is also a member of IAF (International Association of Facilitation). I asked if it’s alright when I share the situations and feedback with you. (S)He agreed. Case “Today when I was delivering … Continue reading

Posted in Engaging, Facilitation, Mentoring facilitator, Questioning | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Omgaan met metaforen

Joyce Weber (Werk en Inspiratie) vroeg me mijn werkwijze te beschrijven op een praktische wijze, zoals de dingen in een Blokker-winkel: geen design, maar ook niet zo goedkoop als Action of Zeeman. “IKEA”, denk ik dan: onderdelen om zelf in … Continue reading

Posted in behoren, Betekenis, Faciliteren, Metafoor | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Planning and the toolmaker metaphor

Again, I answered some questions on facilitating. About “keeping plans alive”. Plans (intentionally no ,) like communicating, are processes. I’ve always abided with the saying by Montgomery: “plans are nothing, planning is everything“. Planning is not about a plan, just … Continue reading

Posted in Actie, English, Meaming, Metaphor, paradox | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Alternative facts are fiction

We’ve got facts, hard facts and fictional facts. The implication of the fact, that the word fact and fiction are derived from the same source, facere, to make, implies that every word is a metaphor, including all lies. Including in … Continue reading

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Techniques for engagement

On Linked-In Meeting Architects, I replied to a question on “What techniques do you use to boost participant engagement?” This is NOT a technical issue, it is relational. Engagement is a paradox too: most participants feel a reluctance to participate. … Continue reading

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Leadership and facilitation

Jeppe Lajer asked me: “What do you think a leader or facilitator can do to raise his/her capacity to love working with groups while being conscious of his/her inadequacies?“. The answer is: “I don’t know”. But of course, i do … Continue reading

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What and how on Identity

My dear friend Judith de Bruijn inspired me to start blogging again. I’ll share with you some pieces of my mind on facilitating change with groups and meetings. I’ll just start with the 12 paradoxes of group life. My identity … Continue reading

Posted in Engels, Faciliteren, identiteit, Identity | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

EU and the paradox of Engaging

Paul Nunesdea asked in a Linked-in group of facilitators: Do you believe European Union can ever be able to work together as a Team? What would be the opportunities for group facilitators? He added a youtube movie: Yes and no. … Continue reading

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Does a facilitator need domain or subject matter knowledge?

I added my thought to this question. Of course, it here we have the paradoxes of perception and expressing. I chose the latter. As an exercise: answer the question using Disclosure, Trust, Intimacy and Regression. This issue is “subjective” : … Continue reading

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